Industry 4.0 underground: how to make conveyor systems intelligent

When you think of Industry 4.0, you think of machine parks that can be controlled via an app, shiny robot arms and the intelligent networking of man and machine. However, digital solutions are also being used more and more outside of fully automated production lines.

Even companies that have not yet had to deal with digitalization in their products and services are now being forced to do so, for example due to Covid-19 or environmental factors. REMA TIP TOP shows how to find intelligent, electronic solutions at an early stage and take advantage of progress in other industries. Together, we are working on projects that will make tomorrow's work more environmentally conscious, more efficient and also safer.

First things first: Who is REMA TIP TOP?

What began almost 100 years ago with the production of tire patches is now one of the leading companies in the fields of material processing, surface protection and automotive. REMA TIP TOP offers services and products for many industrial sectors, from metal and mechanical engineering to the food industry. Around 8,000 employees, spread over 180 branches worldwide, provide a wide range of services and products for industrial companies.

REMA TIP TOP also offers solutions for the mining industry. An industry that you might not initially associate with intelligent and networked production. Rather, it is associated with difficult and dangerous work that attracts attention from time to time due to accidents. And this is precisely where Industry 4.0 offers an opportunity to improve working conditions and make them more efficient.

Jumping in at the deep end: Industry 4.0

Working with rubber as a material has a long tradition at REMA TIP TOP, with its beginnings in tire repair kits. As Thomas Moser, Head of Product Development, says, rubber is initially a simple product when it comes to electronics. With the trend towards digitalization and automation, the question inevitably arises as to how to adapt your own products. How do you make a supposedly simple product intelligent?

With this in mind, it was time to jump in at the deep end. But a 1-to-1 transfer from other industries turned out to be difficult. REMA TIP TOP's customers are spread all over the world and equipment for the mining industry has to be particularly robust and not susceptible to dirt and moisture. “We had to develop many devices from scratch. Although the technology was available, it was not applicable to our areas. What works wonderfully in a laboratory or factory hall is often not usable under real conditions. For example, in the jungle with lots of dust and rain,” says Moser.

“It was all new territory for us. So we started looking at other industries. How do they do it and what can we do similarly?“

Thomas Moser
Head of Product Development

The electronic adjustment of conveyor belts

One of the first projects in this context was the optimization of conveyor systems in mines. In order to make conveyor systems for bulk materials in mines and mining more durable and efficient, the conveyor belts were to be checked electronically. This is because conveyor belts are usually in operation around the clock, ideally 365 days a year. Every stoppage costs the operators money, not to mention the dangerous working conditions for the employees. By adapting the conveyor belts, it would no longer be necessary to check processes and conditions directly on site. Instead, it would be easy to access the systems from anywhere in the world via software. This is a huge advantage, especially in times of lockdowns, quarantines and a strong collective environmental awareness. After all, you can't always be on site - and you no longer have to be.

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Thinking in terms of solutions, not services

The initial development of devices was carried out by small companies directly on site, for example in South Africa or Canada. This is because they were best able to assess the requirements for the respective environment. However, local quality is usually not sufficient for series production. REMA TIP TOP therefore needed someone in Europe who could offer a complete solution, not just pure services. “I wouldn't have been happy with just the circuit boards, I needed someone who would work with us on the development to series production, assemble the device, test it and take responsibility,” says Moser.


A+B Electronic provides support on the way to the smart factory

We at A+B Electronic have also been able to develop further in our collaboration, but the contact with Thomas Moser ensures this almost automatically - “I always ask a little more than you can do,” he says himself. In the context of Industry 4.0 and smart factories, it will become increasingly important in future to think in terms of complete solutions rather than individual services. Thinking about a product and its components, finding solutions instead of just seeing the problems. In the end, the results will be impressive and it will be easier to react quickly to problems such as current delivery bottlenecks.

REMA TIP TOP has managed to develop an intelligent, networked system from a supposedly simple product such as rubber and thus secure an advantage. A good example of Industry 4.0 and today's possibilities in mechanical engineering.

“We need intelligent approaches and intelligent devices. To do this, we need to equip our devices with the right electronics. That way, we can make work safer and increase efficiency at the same time.”

Thomas Moser
Head of Product Development

Do you have products or services that you would like to make more intelligent with the help of electronic components? Then contact us, we will support you in development, production and logistics.

Further services

We build turnkey switchgear, control cabinets and customised products for industry and trade.

You develop, we implement: from PCB assembly to testing and unit assembly to shipping to the end customer.

Our experience in purchasing, warehousing/merchandise management and logistics makes us more reliable and agile.